Message from Chairman
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to EISN!
Our singular endeavor is to make children creative, confident and articulate – children who are prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
“Our goal is to equip and inspire our learners for a positive future.”

Mr. Jesus Lall, Chairman
With the rapid increase in knowledge and the zillions of options available sometimes as educationists we tend to get puzzled about what we should provide to our children; however, EISN’s acclaimed education system – EBEN (Education Based on Engagement & Nurturing) directs us to get our priorities right. This approach helps us never to be complacent about our achievements but to constantly upgrade our own learning. Our intention and efforts are coupled to provide an education that does not tire the child but refreshes him as it takes cognizance of his emotional well-being; an education that makes him an active seeker of knowledge, an education that enhances his compassion for each and every member of this ecosystem.
We know that, as parents, you care about your child more than anyone, but we believe we come in a close second. EISN is one of the foremost centres of learning. It has top-rated facilities and has been consistently delivering outstanding results and student success stories. An extraordinary experience awaits your child at EISN. To find out more and to obtain first-hand information, I would like to invite you to visit us on campus, where you will receive a warm welcome.
Get In Touch
Ebenezer International School
Chandsi, Near Anandvalli,
Nashik 422 003
Admissions Enquiry
Any Other Enquiry
For safety & security reasons, carry a government-issued photo ID is compulsory for entry into the school premises and follow the COVID-19 protocols.