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At Universal, we do not necessarily view assessments as the sole measure of a child’s potential. In a rapidly evolving educational environment, methods and techniques need to match the need of the hour. To achieve our greater goals, we prefer an approach that considers both sides of the coin. Our smart classroom system ensures that input i.e. approach of the teacher, encourages optimum output i.e. children’s understanding of subject matter.

We employ SMART CLASS AUDIO VISUAL DIGITAL SYSTEMS. The best part is that it has a SMART ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. Each student has a remote control instrument with a unique identification number. Students answer multiple-choice questions thus providing instant feedback to the teacher. This innovative feature enables a teacher to gauge the level of understanding within any class.

Pre-Primary Section

At this tender age careful attention is paid to a child’s likes and dislikes, their behaviour in the class with peers and teacher, their response to the different activities in the class

This minute observation is recorded in detail and provided as a report to parents on a term wise basis.

Primary Section

Consistent and continuous assessments are made during these years.

During this period children are kept free from the stress of examinations. Our egalitarian learning process eliminates unhealthy competition as marks are substituted by grades up to Grade V

Secondary Section

During these years of school education, students are eased into the formal examination system

To provide variety to the assessment process, assignment projects also share the assessment space. No efforts is spared in motivating and supporting students while they are groomed for the I.C.S.E., over this period of five years. Detailed reports are prepared for parental scrutiny

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